UNRWA USA is a nonprofit supporting the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which delivers vital healthcare, education, and other services to Palestine refugees, providing 75% of the aid on the ground in Gaza. We aim to show Palestine refugees that Americans care.

This Ramadan: Help Keep Moms & Babies in Gaza Healthy

This Ramadan, support the health of Palestine refugee mamas and children with UNRWA USA’s 100% Zakat Fund. Every dollar provides food and cash assistance to pregnant women, new moms, babies, and young children in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon—UNRWA covers all admin costs.

Zakat Eligible

For Mamas in Gaza

Join the For Mama Challenge with UNRWA USA! 100% of your zakat – every dollar – supports the health and well-being of Palestine refugees, with a special focus on protecting moms and babies. All zakat funds are segregated into a dedicated account for food and cash assistance and used within one lunar year to provide for the most impoverished families. In Gaza, over 2 mill. Palestine refugees are living in poverty and about 1.9 million of those people are relying on UNRWA's assistance to meet basic needs. Your zakat creates lasting impact for generations, safeguarding lives, health and dignity.

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